Friday, November 27, 2009

Another thing...

I like how back in August, I was already talking about Taylor Lautner+Taylor Swift. Can I see the future or what??!!!


Due to Kaleb Nation and Kristina Horner talking about Omegle, I decided to try it out. The first couple were fun, because i would make HP references and then they would leave. But then I started chatting to a guy who lives in my town, went to the same jr. high as me, went to my rival hs, and we have mutual friends. It's freaky how the internet works sometimes. Then I had this conversation with a guy, where we said the lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley in order. It was fun until he started calling me a NOOB. But then I killed him using Avada Kedavra.

Bottom line: Omegle is fun.

Try it.
