Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sharing is Caring?

So, I feel pretty lame venting to a blog, but lately I've felt as though I've needed too. I just feel like so much in my life is weird. Not weird in the typical weird way but strange. It's kind of difficult to explain-I guess I just feel like an outsider. Not in an over obvious way, just about little things. For example, I'm judged for being weird where I live for being a super nerd aka having numerous Harry Potter, POTC, and Twilight things in my room. Now this being said, I thought that having a major like film would expose me to other super nerds. I guess this isn't the case. We were given the assignment of bringing in something fan made to discussion section, to go along with our fandom lecture. I had trouble choosing something to present, but ultimately decided on Wizard Rock. I guess that living in a world where all my friends from home are aware and even thoroughly enjoy Wrock, and where I follow Wrockers on Twitter and subscribe to them on YouTube has made me a bit prejudice. I assume that people would at least have heard of HATP. My assumption was wrong. The video I showed was laughed at. I KNOW it's nerdy for everyone else, but I just thought that maybe people who were film geeks could appreciate it. Turns out, I'm the ONLY one who brought in anything fanmade. I was baffled. How can someone be a fan of NOTHING? One person did mention the short film George Lucas In Love, which I had already seen and laughed at, so we watched that. When George and the Leia character are about to kiss and their mother walks in and screams at them, the girl next to me gasped and said "What???!" in surprise. REALLY?! Do you mean to tell me that you're a film major and have never seen Star Wars?! Complete blasphemy. I guess this is why I love people who are creative geeks. For example, when I had the pleasure of talking to Stephenie Meyer, we talked about The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire and she was fangirling as much about it as I was about talking to her. It made me love her even more. I think it shows that you're humble to love something that you haven't created that much. I hope to someday be someone who creates things that people can fan out about, and I can fan out about things to them.

On another note, I've found that you really can't let anyone borrow anything, or you probably won't get it back. It's a sad truth to discover.


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