Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So basically, I never blog anymore. Life has just gotten way too busy, except for the days and weeks that I have nothing to do. Like right now because I am on winter break. Since I last blogged, life has been kind of a whirlwind. I worked a lot this summer at Panera bakery. I liked the job and the money of course, but it sucked having to work in a popular place in my hometown, where I was likely to see at least one person I knew every single time I worked. I ended up getting an interview at Disneyland and got a job there, so I unfortunately had to quit Panera. I had always wanted to work at Disneyland, but I don't think it was ever meant to be. I had a couple days of training and then, when I had very little sleep and had to wake up at 4 am to get there for a 6 am shift, I had a grand mal seizure. It was my second one so I knew what was happening, which made it even scarier. It was my first one in almost two years and I thought I would never have one again, so it kind of brought me back to reality and scared the crap out of me. I was told that I couldn't drive for 3 months, which is tough for a commuter to a school an hour away. Thankfully my dad was able to take me although it was really tough on him.

At least that's over now and I can drive when I get back to school. My sister and her boyfriend are also semi-living with us now, when they're not at his house in Arizona. It's nice having them in the country again, since they've been gone for a while.

I turn 21 in 12 days and I'm so excited to finally be able to buy alcohol and not be tied down by the law anymore.

Until next time,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sharing is Caring?

So, I feel pretty lame venting to a blog, but lately I've felt as though I've needed too. I just feel like so much in my life is weird. Not weird in the typical weird way but strange. It's kind of difficult to explain-I guess I just feel like an outsider. Not in an over obvious way, just about little things. For example, I'm judged for being weird where I live for being a super nerd aka having numerous Harry Potter, POTC, and Twilight things in my room. Now this being said, I thought that having a major like film would expose me to other super nerds. I guess this isn't the case. We were given the assignment of bringing in something fan made to discussion section, to go along with our fandom lecture. I had trouble choosing something to present, but ultimately decided on Wizard Rock. I guess that living in a world where all my friends from home are aware and even thoroughly enjoy Wrock, and where I follow Wrockers on Twitter and subscribe to them on YouTube has made me a bit prejudice. I assume that people would at least have heard of HATP. My assumption was wrong. The video I showed was laughed at. I KNOW it's nerdy for everyone else, but I just thought that maybe people who were film geeks could appreciate it. Turns out, I'm the ONLY one who brought in anything fanmade. I was baffled. How can someone be a fan of NOTHING? One person did mention the short film George Lucas In Love, which I had already seen and laughed at, so we watched that. When George and the Leia character are about to kiss and their mother walks in and screams at them, the girl next to me gasped and said "What???!" in surprise. REALLY?! Do you mean to tell me that you're a film major and have never seen Star Wars?! Complete blasphemy. I guess this is why I love people who are creative geeks. For example, when I had the pleasure of talking to Stephenie Meyer, we talked about The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire and she was fangirling as much about it as I was about talking to her. It made me love her even more. I think it shows that you're humble to love something that you haven't created that much. I hope to someday be someone who creates things that people can fan out about, and I can fan out about things to them.

On another note, I've found that you really can't let anyone borrow anything, or you probably won't get it back. It's a sad truth to discover.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Another thing...

I like how back in August, I was already talking about Taylor Lautner+Taylor Swift. Can I see the future or what??!!!


Due to Kaleb Nation and Kristina Horner talking about Omegle, I decided to try it out. The first couple were fun, because i would make HP references and then they would leave. But then I started chatting to a guy who lives in my town, went to the same jr. high as me, went to my rival hs, and we have mutual friends. It's freaky how the internet works sometimes. Then I had this conversation with a guy, where we said the lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley in order. It was fun until he started calling me a NOOB. But then I killed him using Avada Kedavra.

Bottom line: Omegle is fun.

Try it.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

I don't know how to feel about that.

Hello there. So lately I've had some eye-opening experiences(well not really-just kind of discoveries) that have changed my outlook in a way I suppose. 

I found out some things that I don't/can't say on here but I'm shocked nonetheless and I had to write it down. I feel as if the world has become very corrupted all of the sudden. It's not that I'm disappointed in the human race or certain individuals, I'm just really fascinated. Maybe it's because I'm corrupt or maybe not corrupt according to some standards. Who knows why it holds my attention.

Tonight I had the pleasure of seeing No Doubt, Paramore, and The Sounds live. It was honestly one of the best concerts I've ever been to. The energy in the crowd was ridiculously awesome. Gwen did push ups. I love No Doubt even more after this experience. It was epic to be able to shout along to Just A Girl with thousands of others. Paramore was amazing as usual also. I love Hayley and the way that she runs around on stage, making it look like the best thing on Earth. She also gave a shout out to Miley Cyrus' line of clothes at Wal-Mart, which made my day because right before she said it, I was telling my friend about how I thought they were really cute and I wanted some.

I also recently saw a picture of Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner kissing and it blew my mind. Two of my favorite celebrities locking lips was interesting. And in a good way. All I can say is that by the picture I saw, male Taylor looks like a fantastic kisser which makes me even more excited for Eclipse.

So now it is the time when I bid you adieu blog and go to sleep. But I will probably post something soon.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

So Here I Go Again

I know. I has been forever. I have just been too lazy to write a blog since my last late night posting. Life has changed a bit since then

For one, I am officially done with my first year of college and I am glad to say that I survived. Even though I caved under the stress quite a bit.

But now it is summer. ahhh summer. I'm working 5-6 days a week, but it has been amazing nonetheless. 

The past few weeks in general have been pretty awesome. We finally got to see Half-Blood Prince in theaters and I have to say that it is my favorite HP movie so far. I also dressed as Luna for the midnight showing. Maybe I'll show pictures in the next post.

 I also got the chance to travel to the East Coast for the first time in my life. Florida was EXTREMELY hot and humid. And any hot, wet thing I just...(shakes and blinks furiously ala Kristen Stewart in Twilight). It was cool getting to go to Orlando though because my Paper Towns fangirl was released and I really wanted to run into Margo and Q at a 7-11. I also had to go through a family reunion. Not too bad, but not totally awesome either. The part that really got to me was that some of my distant cousins thought HBP sucked and one basically shouted about how it sucked that it was so long, while the movie was still going. I don't know how I am related.

I also went to Washington, DC. It was pretty and I enjoyed the monuments. But while away, I severely missed the California sunshine, attitude, and the West Coast in general. And Mexican food and In N Out.

After a long flight home, I took a shower and went straight to San Diego to sleep in line for Hall H for the New Moon panel. It was an ordeal. I got my badge after waiting an hour in line, but then lost it which meant I had to wait in line AGAIN. But everything worked out because we got in the hall and had good seats.

Tim Burton was there to talk about Alice In Wonderland and it looks wonderful. Pun intended. Not only was it amazing to see one of my favorite directors, but then Johnny Depp came out. I combusted a little. I wish he would've stayed longer than a few minutes though. Same thing with Andy Samberg. I was teased with his short presense, but it's alright since I'll marry him lol.

Then came the New Moon madness. Rob wasn't as funny as last year and my friends Cristina, Adrienne, and I have concluded that Kristen Stewart is most likely a tweaker. But I have to say that I am in LOVE with Chris Weitz. He has a beautiful vision for the film, knows what he is doing, is hilarious, and appreciates the support from the fans. The film clips are amazing and I can't wait for November 20th. We also all got very lucky and were able to get free posters so that's sweet.

After these whirlwind weeks, I am still trying to recover from loss of sleep and just relaxing. I hope I can keep blogging more often.

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh Man...

So I am officially blogging. I've blogged on MySpace years ago, but let's face it that stuff was just rubbish and I barely use MySpace anymore. So here I am. Free to say whatever I want, whenever I want. And I won't fear of saying anything semi-inappropriate like I am on Facebook now, due to the fact that BOTH of my grandmas now have them. FML. 

I am up late doing what else, homework. I really want it to be summer. My classes this quarter aren't too hard yet, but they have quite a bit of homework which does not work well for me or my schedule since I have to drive home on Tuesday nights to work Wednesday and come back right after that to play sorority softball(yes I am in a sorority but it doesn't define me-I define it haha). And right now the girl who next door to me is slamming her door and giggling with her boyfriend(kinda strange?). So a few things about me: I am a huge Harry Potter/Pirates of the Caribbean/Twilight fangirl and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I have gotten escorted out of a Hot Topic for taking a picture of Ashley Greene(who plays Alice in Twilight) so I guess I'm hardcore in that sense. I love Wizard Rock and I wish I could go to Azkatraz this summer, but none of my friends here are intense or have enough money to go with me. Oh well. I WILL be going to LeakyCon 2011 for sure though. I mean the weekend that DH Part II comes out?? I will cry if I don't go. 

Well now to go back to the homework that will kill me.

Until later

P.S. did I mention that I recently got obsessed with Buffy and cried at the Season 2 finale today? because I did. I think I am liking it more than the drama intense Gossip Girl. I mean what's more intense than killing the one you love? so dramatic. I love it.